Here at AZ Dental, we understand just how important your smile’s appearance is to your overall sense of self-confidence. When a single tooth in your smile is marred by a physical or cosmetic imperfection, it can cause you to guard some of your facial expressions. In a situation like this,...
Read more » You can repair any smile with the perfect tooth restoration for you. If your teeth are injured or broken, a tooth restoration such as dental veneers or dental crowns can help. If you have cavities and tooth decay, dental fillings can correct your smile. If teeth lack the color you...
Read more » Do you think you know all there is to know about your smile? If so, our dentists and dental team want to challenge your knowledge! This is a fun and entertaining way to make sure you know how to keep your smile in tip-top shape. We hope you have fun!...
Read more » Have you ever heard of endodontics, but are unsure of what it was? If so, then we have the information you need! Here at AZ Dental in San Jose, California, we understand that not everyone is familiar with all the dental terminology, which is why we are happy to explain...
Read more » Fluoride’s oral health benefits are so widely noted that it is often inserted into dental health products and the public water supply. Though it can be harmful in large doses for very young children, fluoride is safe for consumption in low levels. Fluoride reduces the effects of plaque and harmful...
Read more » Can you enhance your smile with the perfect bonding treatments? Dental bonding is a cosmetic dentistry procedure that is often used to repair or improve damaged teeth with a resin or porcelain material to vastly modify the look and function of your teeth. Listed below are just a few of...
Read more » When you suffer a chip on one of your teeth, the damaged area of tooth enamel can gradually start to trap minuscule pieces of food material and bacterial residue. Without professional treatment by the dentists at AZ Dental’s San Jose, California clinic, this could cause a new area of tooth...
Read more » Here at AZ Dental, we endeavor to use our new blog as a regular means for publishing valuable content for our community through monthly blog posts. Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, we’re able to further explore some of the most important topics pertaining to our industry and area...
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